Hello, new friend! 👋
I'm Erin, and I'm glad you found your way here.
Welcome to Turning Pages, a biweekly newsletter where I share personal essays, messy thoughts, and vulnerable reflections.
Taking on themes like vulnerability, identity, family, and spirituality, I hope to connect with you on a primal level, igniting our imaginations and stirring our souls.
As a mother and spiritual seeker, I write to lay bare the wild and woolly truths of life, to turn over the stones of human experience and see what wriggles underneath. The stories that fill my pages are both raw and real, humorous and heartbreaking, and speak to the wildness and wonder of our existence.
As a Turning Pages reader, you'll receive chapters of an ongoing collection that explores questions like:
What does it mean to create a sense of home and belonging in our lives?
How can we cultivate a deeper sense of spirituality and faith in a world that can be chaotic and uncertain?
How can we navigate the challenges and joys of parenting while also staying true to ourselves?
I'd be delighted to have you along for this wild and wondrous journey. Sign up below for your biweekly dose of heart and soul, and please share this newsletter with others you think may enjoy it. Thank you for your support!
10-second bio
Writer for clients in the productivity + mindfulness space
(what’s that saying about the cobbler with no shoes?)Lettering artist, doodler, and graphic designer
Mama of three just trying to do and be her best 🫣
Meditating, open-minded, praying believer
Current obsessions
Hosting flow club sessions to facilitate focus and flow!
Tea with milk and two sugars
Figuring out my late adult diagnosis of ADHD 😳
Building a zoo with my kids in Minecraft
Come hang with me!
Here are a few places where I share my thoughts:
Twitter: Random thoughts, stray ideas, and interesting things I come across
Substack: Articles, prose, and reflections about life's complexities, like relationships, faith, parenting, and grief (and gifs. and dad jokes.)
My website: A more professional space where you can find samples of my writing and information about my services (and occasional blog posts)
If anything resonates with you, ever, please let me know! Leave a little comment or send an email to this address or reply to my newsletter.
Connections are what this is all about. ✨